Hey Christopher,
Well, i would gladly share the parts with interested people, unfortunately this set costs printed roughly 600 euros (both sections together), material costs are in price, the price is a commercial nature, as we print them to external customers, i could shave a little bit off the price, but it would still be insane. So i am kind-a worried there
however, should the interest be tremendous, i think i could find someone to cast them for a reasonable price in polyurethane, im not sure if i would succeed, since i tried to cast once, and results were very poor, though i mixed the silicone rubber (or what is called that blue stuff) much too long, so probably that interfered...
still, i think i would have at least 10 interested people in order to break even with the materials, maybe even more, would have to make estimate calculations in terms of volume needed.
...unless if any company would show interest into prints....
maybe ill give it a shot with one of the bits to see if my casting abilities grew in the mean time..