I now understand as I am building the Seehund that I most likely need to make a G7e TIIIc, with kb, kb1 or kb2 warhead and TZ2+Pi2f pistol.
Yes, the G7e(TIIIc) would be the proper torpedo. I'm not sure when the TIIIe were introduced, but probably very late and thus saw limited use.
The exterior of the warheads are basically identical. The difference is internal, with different shape/size of pistolpockets, material used etc.
* Ka (gerät nr. 501 B 1203): Made from bronze without internal ribs. Short pocket with space for pistol-battery.
* Ka (gerät nr. 501 B 1203 U 35): Made from bronze with internal ribs. Short pocket with space for pistol-battery.
* Ka (gerät nr. 501 B 1203 U 17): Made from steel without internal ribs. Short pocket with space for pistol-battery.
* Ka1 (gerät nr. 501 B 2003 U4): Made from steel with internal ribs. Short pocket without space for pistol-battery
* Ka2 (gerät nr. 501 B 2003 U4): Made from steel with internal ribs. Medium pocket.
* Kb (gerät nr. 501 B 2003 U20): Made from bronze with internal ribs. Long pocket and cable guide to the backplate.
* Kb1 (gerät nr. 501 B 2003 U40): Made from steel with internal ribs. Long pocket and cable guide to the backplate.
The size and shape of the pocket decided whitch pistol could be used. Pistols with magnetic ignitors had to be powered by a battery (either a dedicated small battery in the pistol, or from the torpedo's main battery by means of a cable going through the head back to the batterychamber of the G7e torpedo).
Note that Kb2 is an error: There were no such variant... (one of several issues I need to correct in the list :-/ ).
Can someone help me with the colours of the kb, kb1 or kb2 warhead for midget subs, dark grey?
I suggest you read the complete topic, as this has been discussed before. As mentioned: It's impossible to give an exact answer. All warheads were initially painted light or dark grey though (heads of bronze might not have been painted though, due to less need for protection against corrosion).
The same with the colours for the TZ2 / Pi2f pistol?
Ditto, although the few pictures of Pi2f I have seen suggest a very light colour (light grey, or perhaps white...). Note that TZ2 were a pistol with firingarms, ("whiskers") and Pi2f had none, as it was only used with netcutters.
The rest of the torpedo I asume is unpainted steel, including the 2 blade counterrotating prop?
Yes, for use on ordinary submarines (although it would have been covered in grease, giving it a brownish/golden translucent colour). Torpedoes used on micget submarines were usually painted in various colours, injcluding camouflagepattern (ref previous posts and photos in this topic).