Like the roadworks guys..there's always a guy staring into the hole going "yup, that's a hole" and then there's Cell Phone Guy and Coffee Guy...(apologies to any roadworks/council workers who are on the ball).
Thanks for the concern about the fires, personally am OK, about 8-10 hr drive by car to border of that state, but it has impacted the whole country, especially the fact that at least some were 'arson" (deliberately lit is more descriptive). I think of arson as Knuckles and Ice Pick torching a warehouse for insurance, but starting a bushfire that kills 200 people "psycho." Ohhh, I'm off topic, am reporting myself to Dougie.
Great idea on the other category, and if everyone thinks it is useful, the categories CAN be split to balao and Tench, but that might be counterproductive with crossover.