Author Topic: 1/72 U-525 kit for sale (Tehnoart)  (Read 4330 times)

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Offline U-525

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1/72 U-525 kit for sale (Tehnoart)
« on: 15 May , 2024, 09:04 »
I have the rarest U-Boat model ever (one of one). It's the Tehnoart U-525 (my new username, formerly snegron). It's a mixed media kit, 3D printed everything, TONS of PE and cast brass, MUCH higher in quality than the Revell U-190 (and differences based on it being U-525, different schnorkel and many other differences). They sold them pre-built and painted but I got them to send me a kit, along with U-505 as they were selling 11 of them as unbuilt kits. For years I was "the only kid on my block" with a 1/72 Type IX (LOL)! I paid $650 for U-525 many years ago and wish to sell it. If you're interested, PM me or email me at I can send pictures of the parts, and the instructions (once I find a CDROM to copy them as that's where the instructions are and CDROM players are like VCRs now)!

