Author Topic: Engine room support beams  (Read 1572 times)

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Offline Katuna

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Engine room support beams
« on: 30 Jul , 2019, 08:31 »

I was finally going to get back on my build when I noticed a discrepancy in drawings of the engine room. The outer two engine support beams that run fore/aft are drawn differently depending on which blueprint you look at. One shows the beam (or what is presumably the outer beam) with a slight step down from the front of the engine forward then running level to the forward bulkhead. The other copies the inner beams by curving down to a shallow connection point at the bulkhead.

I have to assume that for structural strength it has to be the notched version. The Trumpeter kit just has it straight forward from the engine rail but as anyone knows, the Trumpy kit is usually incorrect.

Attached is are the two drawings with the outline of the beam highlighted. Any ideas?
Modeling U-371 on 16.10.43 at 1800 off of the Algerian coast in CJ7722.

Offline Katuna

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Re: Engine room support beams
« Reply #1 on: 30 Jul , 2019, 08:36 »
Well, it took me 2 minutes after posting this to realize what the two drawings represent. The curved version is the Port engine and the notched drawing is the Stbd. engine. Sorry for wasting everyone's time. I think I need more sleep.
Modeling U-371 on 16.10.43 at 1800 off of the Algerian coast in CJ7722.