Author Topic: USS Barb rocket attack queston  (Read 15388 times)

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USS Barb rocket attack queston
« on: 06 Mar , 2009, 23:34 »
In the pacific near the end of the war EB Fluckey experimented with launching rockets from his submarine while on the surface.

He had a US Army multi barrel 5 inch (127mm) rocket launcher welded to the deck of the Barb (SS 220)  and took on a store of unguided projectiles.

Early on the morning of June 22 1945 the Barb surfaced off the Island of Hokkaido and bombarded the town of Shari.
The rockets were fired when the vessel was surfaced at a range of 5,250 yards -4800 meters.
During the next month Barb remained in Japanese waters anc carried out 5 additional shore bombardments, some supplemented by the use of the vessels 5 inch gun and 40mm cannon.
It is worth noting that the rocket attacks are not a formal Navy program but a result of one aggressive commanders action.

Source: Cold War Submarines by Norman Polmar, Kenneth J. Moore

Does anyone have any further information or photographs about this tour?
Even a description of the mounting of the launcher would be of help.

Also, any information about the US armys 5' launcher would be of help.
I can find only one type - a Stalins Organ type thing

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Re: USS Barb rocket attack queston
« Reply #1 on: 07 Mar , 2009, 04:38 »
I might be able to help - I have read Fluckey's book, Thunder Below! he describes requesting, begging, coercing to get rockets, and then when finally it is real, he gets less than he wanted but uses all he can. I will see what I can scan and what pix there are. It is small section of the book. I definitely recommend the book, whether you are a fan of USN or Gatos or just any subs or whatever - he has a bit of en ego, but it is innocent...Fluckey was simply super-confident and brilliant and the extra-ordinary was nothing more than a slight challenge for him. I'm certain those around him saw him as an "energy vampire" and maybe felt inadequate, but I think he was one of those "super people" who innocently and kindly went about being amazing.

I just read something somewhere about the Kriegsmarine doing some rocket work 2-4 years earlier. But then again, it is freaky to see rockets fired in banks of 10+ from tanks in WWII.
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Re: USS Barb rocket attack queston
« Reply #2 on: 07 Mar , 2009, 05:48 »
It would be great to get info on the USN rocket bombardment.
I have seen a 1/72 tank with a rocket launcher, I hope this is the type as opposed to the ones used on the landing craft before Iwo Jima.

There is also the option to build the Cusk during the Loon trials.

The German submarine rocket program is fairly well documented.
I will do a separate posting on the research I have done on this

I intend to build a Type II as used in the Black sea.

Down the road I would like to build a 'What if' type IX or XXI with a V-1

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Re: USS Barb rocket attack queston
« Reply #3 on: 08 Mar , 2009, 06:08 »
What many cool possibilities!
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Re: USS Barb rocket attack queston
« Reply #4 on: 08 Mar , 2009, 06:49 »
Only real worry is that the Type IX and Type XXI in 1/72 are only available as vacuform, in which I have no experience.

Doing a Gato class first, either Barb or Cusk.

Then a type II and a type VII


« Last Edit: 08 Mar , 2009, 08:03 by simoni »


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Re: USS Barb rocket attack queston
« Reply #5 on: 08 Jan , 2010, 21:38 »
I noticed that no one had any additional info.  Anything new? 

Does anyone know where the launcher was mounted?  Main deck?  Sail?  Photos that I've seen of Barb show nothing.  I was under the impression that the launcher was set up when needed rather than being a permanent mount.  Anyone know anything more about this?


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Re: USS Barb rocket attack queston
« Reply #6 on: 09 Jan , 2010, 16:43 »
From Fluckey's book - (sumarised):

They kept the rocket motors unscrewed and at separate end of boat from rockets, worried about BOOM!

They set the launcher (ld fixed pipe style) up on deck when needed. First firing was at 5250yds (they could set it with adjusting pipe pins to a launch angle, only 4 choices). 12 rockets. Fired at night, were "polaroid goggles" set "to darkest" so fire wouldn't kill night vision.

I think it was on the bow, as the boat had to be the aiming.

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Re: USS Barb rocket attack queston
« Reply #7 on: 15 Dec , 2010, 16:20 »
Does anyone know where the launcher was mounted?  Main deck?  Sail?  Photos that I've seen of Barb show nothing.  I was under the impression that the launcher was set up when needed rather than being a permanent mount.  Anyone know anything more about this? Thanks, Bob

Bob I remember when Fluckey returned after receiving the CMOH and his boat had been updated during it's refit for his last patrol, his gradution or harassment patrol.  One thing I do remember the book saying is that he noticed the empty spot forward where the 4" gun used to be sinced they'd removed it and added a 5" gun aft.  That got him to thinking about an old conversation he'd had previously with someone about unusual weapons for submarines, so he wrote a letter to someone named Harry Hull, if my memory serves me correctly, asking about rockets.  Fluckey didn't trust it going through channels as he figured his idea may get shot down.

Anyway,  it's my understanding that the spot where the 4" deck gun had been mounted forward is the place where they mounted the rocket launcher,  so that would have been on the main deck and not in the sail area.  In fact I remember Fluckey speaking of looking down at the red flashlights working connecting the wiring before entering one of the harbors to bombard one of the towns,  so obviously he was above where the launcher was mounted.


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Re: USS Barb rocket attack queston
« Reply #8 on: 24 Dec , 2010, 00:48 »
Howdy Snow - yes, I also got the impression of forward, even near the bow, but the former gun mount makes sense. (support and room).
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Re: USS Barb rocket attack queston
« Reply #9 on: 26 Dec , 2014, 09:08 »
I realize that I am answering a question from 2010, but for those of you that are interested...

My dad served on the USS Barb under Adm Eugene Fluckey on the last 5 war patrols (8-12)... So I have picked up some knowledge regarding the Barb over the years... I have also attended several Barb reunions over the years and met many of the officers and enlisted men that served on the Barb along with my dad...

My dad passed away in 2005, but I recently reconnected with one of my dad's friends who is the last surviving officer that served on the Barb, so if I can't answer your questions, I'm sure he can...

On their 12th war patrol the Barb had a Mk 51 Mod 0 launcher and 72 Mk 10 Mod 0 5 inch rockets.  They launched a total of 4 rocket assaults and fired a total of 68 rockets...

The rocket launcher was mounted on the foredeck in the area where the 4 inch gun had previously been mounted... I don't know if the launcher was permanently mounted to the deck or brought out and setup for attacks and then stowed away after...

The 1st rocket assault on the town of Shari occurred on 6/22/1945 at 2:34 am. The Barb launched 12 rockets into the center of the town from 4,700 yds offshore...

The 2nd rocket assault on the town of Shikuka occurred on 7/3/1945 at 2:46 am. The Barb launched 12 rockets into the center of town from 4,930 yds offshore...

The 3rd rocket assault on the town of Shoritori occurred on 7/24/1945 at 10:36 pm. The Barb launched a total of 32 rockets. 20 rockets were launched into a factory from 5,250 yds offshore (they fired 12, then reloaded and fired 8 more) and then they repositioned and fired 12 more rockets into the center of town...

The 4th and final rocket assault on the town of Kashiho occurred on 7/25/1945 at 3:10 am. The Barb launched 12 rockets into the center of town from 5,000 yds offshore...

I have never seen any pictures of the Mk 51 mounted on the Barb, though there may be some out there in one of the crew members private collections... There is some video footage of the launcher, but it is very poor quality and taken from up close so you can't get a good look at the launcher... You can view the video on YouTube at this link You can see the launcher from 0:15 - 0:26

If you have any questions regarding the Barb, I will be happy to try and find the answer for you.

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Re: USS Barb rocket attack queston
« Reply #10 on: 30 Dec , 2014, 03:44 »
Jrichard, welcome aboard and thanks for turning in and replying. It's great to have more information on a subject, even after years.. and your information is of great value, very detailed.
Thanks a lot


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Re: USS Barb rocket attack queston
« Reply #11 on: 30 Dec , 2014, 10:40 »
Thanks SG... I stumbled across this forum doing a search on the USS Barb... One of the images caught my eye and I clicked on it... What I thought was a picture of the actual Barb turned out to be a picture of a Barb model that someone on the forum built... I was blown away by the level of detail... I did a search of the forum and found other discussions regarding the Barb and realized that I might be able to provide some information that would be of use...

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Re: USS Barb rocket attack queston
« Reply #12 on: 03 Jan , 2015, 03:14 »
That is great info, J, just as SG says.

Yeah, all of us models seem to be impressed and love (obsession style) the detail and history.

BARB was an awesome boat, both for her history and the boat herself.

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