Author Topic: Type VIIc/41 is here  (Read 5410 times)

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Offline dougie47

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Re: Type VIIc/41 is here
« Reply #15 on: 13 May , 2015, 16:04 »
Hello again,
Yes, always new things to learn. I know the photos of U 235 you mean. I think it was a test boat and had a very unusual combination of Turm 0, snort, planked deck and Atlantic bow. Perhaps it is the only boat with this combination?
I have heard from Bob and he is using the VIIC/41 5045 kit which has the Atlantic bow. So we need to come up with a boat which was launched on or after November 1942 so that it has the Atlantic bow. And it has to have a Vierling. This unfortunately rules out quite a lot of boats such as 664 and 596.
There were probably quite a few boats which has both the Atlantic bow and Vierling but we need some form of evidence. Here are two possibles -
One choice could be U 744 which had a Vierling between September 1943 and January 1944 (with no snort). As it was launched in March 43 then it very likely have had the Atlantic bow. For more info see towards the bottom of this page -
Another choice could be U 247, which is pictured with a Vierling during commissioning in October 1943.
But new build boats which were launched on or after November 1942 must all have had the planked style (since the planked style replaced the slotted type on all new builds from around the autumn of 1942). Bob, this means you would need to go for a planked deck that is currently on the 5045 kit. I know you mentioned Nautilus' 72-504 kit but that will not be suitable as this has the slotted deck, not the planked deck. Could you try filling in the gap where the snort is on the Revell kit?


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Re: Type VIIc/41 is here
« Reply #16 on: 13 May , 2015, 16:32 »

i have an idea:

To fill the gap maybe is not easy.
But what about to cover it?
at UIF 12 (and other pictures) sometimes a wooden gangway was stored around that area.
Together with some fenders, ropes or so it will show a submarine at a short transfer or so...



Offline SG

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Re: Type VIIc/41 is here
« Reply #17 on: 13 May , 2015, 16:36 »
Dougie, I found a picture depicting U744 about to being boarded by a boarding party from HMCS/NCSM Chilliwack which sports the turm IV, no snorkel, but a single barreled 3.7 cm instead of the flak vierling. The picture dates back to march 1944, which confirms that the interval of time you gave for the presence of the vierling is correct.
U767: has the vierling for sure, laid down in April 1941, launched on July 1943, but no information about deck pattern, type of bow and presence of snorkel and bow raft containers. there's a picture taken at the commissioning ceremony in Sept 1943 showing that the boat was equipped with the vierling on her very early days.
« Last Edit: 13 May , 2015, 16:38 by SG »

Offline pumpjet

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Re: Type VIIc/41 is here
« Reply #18 on: 13 May , 2015, 18:35 »
Thanks for all the advice.

Would this deck work? It's for /41 from

How would I fill in that gaping hole is my question.


Offline pumpjet

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Re: Type VIIc/41 is here
« Reply #19 on: 13 May , 2015, 19:01 »
I found this pic. Flak with no snort. Look at the deck pattern when the snort would go.
But there was no designation as to what boat this was.

There may be some hope yet.. What do you guys think?



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Re: Type VIIc/41 is here
« Reply #20 on: 14 May , 2015, 04:43 »
Hi Bob,

This picture shows U377, taken 1942 at Bergen, Norway.
Commissioned 2.10.41. Due to this definetly not have a atlantic bow.

As i told, we are able to find several VIIC like this.
Here you will find additional pictures of U377:



Offline pumpjet

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Re: Type VIIc/41 is here
« Reply #21 on: 14 May , 2015, 06:06 »
Thanks uboatfan for the pics.

Here is a question for you all. What are the chances that the quad flak was changed while in port for the the 37mm gun. Then maybe changed back for the next mission if the boat made it home.
A little conjecture I suppose.

As for the gaping snort hole I could cover it with some tarp and put the rubber life raft laying on the deck ( from the revell schnellboot kits I have. They are are parts sources now. )

Now what deck to use....


Offline dougie47

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Re: Type VIIc/41 is here
« Reply #22 on: 14 May , 2015, 11:11 »
Hi Bob,
Once a 37mm was fitted there is pretty much zero chance they would change back to a Vierling (the Vierling was only a temporary measure until the 37mm was available).
Covering it with a tarp would be a good solution to the hole.
For a deck you could use the kit deck. The RCSubs one has the snort hole so is not ideal. In any case, once painted it won't look any better than the kit one.


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Re: Type VIIc/41 is here
« Reply #23 on: 14 May , 2015, 12:06 »
Hello Bob,

as learnd from Dougie there are some VII C with atlantic bow.
Maybe all of them did get Turm IV.
I do not know if some of these boats did get the Flakvierling.

But you are free to build a model of one.

If you want to build the slotted deck on a ROG VII C/41 you can also use the amp set 72-02. For the atlantic bow use the bow part of the eduard set for VII C/41.

Than you have only to fill some small slots around the turm IV.

If you want brass parts for the Turm IV you need the RCSubs parts.

