Talk about off-the-wall, narrow interest subjects, this has got to right up there at the top.
Over on "Steelnavy" there's a guy looking for info on the SS United States. I remembered filing something, about her, away, many years ago.
And I found it!! Actually I found more than I remembered.
First I found the Popular Mechanics JUNE 1952 article about the ship, itself. It was one of many articles I'd saved. Nice pictures and drawings.
Then I found the five part article on the construction of a bread-and-butter model of her.
I figured I'd scan them and let everybody know, if United States is on interest, email me, I'll send a copy.
But give me a week, or so. The paper is pretty old and fragile. And the sheets are about 6" by 9", except for the fold out.
Mike K.