oh noooooo...bloooood!
I've been generally lucky (now that I've said that, the most potent physical force in the Universe, the Law of Irony, will strike me) and only have had a few nasty cuts. I tend to get this Star Wars Force/Spidey Sense when I'm on shaky cutting ground...like I can see a ghost version of the knife slipping with lightning speed and freight train force and cutting into me...and I stop and re-assess.
Yet I have made some great "bad" cuts. At work recently I was doing some wiring. I had cable-tied some stuff together, only to find I needed to access one of the wires. I could have gone and gotten the snips which would have clean and neatly cut through the cable tie without threatening the wires underneath. But I was lazy. So I used my pocket knife (Swiss Army!), and very fiddly-carefully cut through the tie without hurting the wires.
That actually worked well - it was effort, and I was holding back my great superman-like strength, but I didn't damage the bundled wires.
What I DID do, was slip. I got through the cable tie nicely, but all that shaky energy and force had to go somewhere, and when the tie parted, my hand RIPPED and SLICED in an arm-swinging arc and sliced through a wire two feet up above! Cut the damned thing right in half.
It was hysterical, but then I had much repair to do...
Glad your finger is still attached. The work is looking mighty good!