I grapple with Archer art 88023,on my uboot 552 1/72 early version;the problem is,that i cannot understand well the pdf document attached kit Archer.There are two possibilities A,FIRST,scrape all the fine thin solderlings on the hull;practically those in light-blue in the pdf,to substitute intirely with the decalsa and add the pieces from C1 to C5:Moreover,i suggest to add the pieces on the central and infgerior section.B, SECOND solution,leave the light-blue solderings in the pdf ,I mean the original one's of the kit,as on the hight section and put only the pieces from 1 to C5 and if you like,for the reason given above,add the pieces in central and the last in the inferior section.For the first solution,will be the decal in the kit enough ?
I apologize for my English, thanks and good luck to all...LEGIO XIII