We FINALLY have some progress, with pictures of the masters (no resin casting yet) and info being released in a few days.
Basically, there will be:
Shutters (the skinny long hull pieces that are often mistaken for "outer doors")
Outer Doors (hatches with hinges)
Tubes (partial)
Torp Heads (partial, to stick in tubes)
The stern tube shutters will be PE (because they have to be thin) - Some boats had no stern shutters.
The kit will be complete, but MAYBE the shutters will be available separately for those that want good shutters closed. Instructions will show how to add the "decks" between tubes, and the cutout slots for the linkage.
The tubes will be 25mm (1 inch) with 1 reinforcing ring for bow, and 2 for stern. To show empty tubes the modeler can add standard evergreen styrene tubing (about 8mm tubing).
We are CLOSE. Torp heads to do, and molds to make, then pricing based on resin.