Officers & NCO Club > Non Model discussions

Great page showing a lot of Museum ships


I enjoyed this little page, I had no idea there were so many museum Sub, battleships and aircraft carriers in the US.

Very nice. I've seen lists, but not with pix, that is nicely done.

I'm lucky enough to have been to:
USS Massachusetts (BB) & USS Lionfish (Think she's on a hidden platform and not floating...VERY rusty corroded hull)
USS Silversides - (in great shape, needs to be drydocked soon though, and nice new museum building)
USS Cobia - ( in great shape, well loved by dedicated volunteers)
USS Bowfin (well taken care of, but "modernized") & USS Missouri - (could use some work)
USS Pampanito (good shape, needs better museum) & Jeremiah OBrien


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