Officers & NCO Club > Non Model discussions

Revell and Revell of Germany THANK YOU

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Revell and Revell of Germany THANK YOU
My son and I have been working off and on for a while on a Gato. Well on one of his last visits, his ex wife's parrot got into a few of our Gato sub parts. Long story short we could not find a part. I called Revell and asked them about getting another and the very nice gentleman there said No problem let me send you one. I asked how much and he said free I'll get one into the mail to you. Received it today and it's even the correct part.
Well THANK you Revell for doing that. Like the kits like the folks.
Just sharing a good story.

Later Tim

Capt Kremin:
Hi all,
Just like to say I had similar experience with Heller, after damaging a Horsa canopy, they sent me out a canopy FOC, from France. The Italeri UK importers (same model) were prepared to sent me the transparent sprue for £5.00. So all hail Heller.  :D 

Mr. Bill:
Parrots can be very clever and can move very quickly!  From decades of experience as a Slave to Parrots, I am not surprised that one managed to abscond with your Gato part.  My current Avian Overlords - Admiral Bluebell and Commodore Merlin - can never be trusted around model kits........



Parrots! They have stripped our apple tree, our almond tree, our cherry tree. With or without nets! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Capt Kremin:
Hi all,

I too suffer from anti submarine patrols carried out by a flight of Rosellas, whilst lighter armed than full sized parrots their ground attack abilities are legendary, including the soft buttons under the keys of a laptop keyboard, tv remote buttons and models. Hye (the male) is on the left and is an Eastern whilst the the one on the right is Lolo a female Northern. Luckily Hye can be easily distracted with an episode of Secrets of War.



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