Author Topic: Help Request Diorama meeting of U-154 IX and U-564 on August 5th 1942  (Read 4056 times)

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Offline 42rocker

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Help Request Diorama showing meeting of U-154 IX and U-564 on August 5th 1942. Well need info and help showing this meeting.

I would like to make a "mirror image" Diorama showing the transfer of torpedoes between U-154 and U-564. U-154 a IXC was on it's homeward bound trip, due to an oil leak that was leaving a trail and Captain Kolle's "stomach" problems. U-564 a VIIC under Captain "Teddy" Suhren's command was almost out of torpedoes and looking for more action. Using the story and pictures shown in the book "U-Boat War Patrol" as a basic guide to create my diaroma. Why mirror image??

Because I want to use the internal CMK parts to show some of the insides of U-564. The CMK parts are for Starboard usage. I plan to have the U-564 at the close edge of the diaroma for easy internal viewing. The pictures in the above book show the U-154 on the starboard side of U-564. Therefore to have the best viewing of the internal parts on the U-564 I'm having to do a mirror image diaroma.

My main help request is for information on the details of how the boats looked on August 5th, 1942.

For the U-154 this means the starting model is Revell of Germany RVL-5114 a 1/72 German Type IX C (U505 Late) Submarine will need several changes to make it look like the U-154 a IXC in 1942. This is the one of the areas that I'm needing help in.

For the U-564 I'll be starting with Revell of Germany RVL-05015 and following Frank Dargies great build. Also going to follow Glenn Cauley's and Siara's great build threads and websites. Also this great website.

Still I want to make sure that I change whatever needs changing to that meeting date of August 5th, 1942.

I'm going to post this under the VII topics and the IX topics with my thoughts and help request under each of the two different type of U-Boats.
This will help (I think) keep the thoughts aboout each type of U-Boat under the correct type of U-Boat topic.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Later Tim

Offline 42rocker

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U-564 a Class VII U-Boat whose keel was laid on 3/30/40 by Blohm & Voss, Hamburg 
launched 2/07/41
commissioned 4/03/41
9 patrols
1st left 6/17/41
    reached Brest 7/24/41
2nd left 8/16/41
    returned Brest 8/27/41
3rd left 9/16/41
    reached Lorient 11/01/41
4th left 1/11/42
    reached La Pallice 1/12/42
5th left 1/18/42
    returned Brest 3/06/42
6th left 4/04/42
    returned Brest 6/06/42         
7th left 7/09/42
    meet and transfered torpedos to U-564 on 8/05/42 -- This is the event that I'm interested in.
    returned Brest 9/18/42
On the 12th patrol U-564 sank with 29 men lost 6/14/43

For the U-564 I'll be starting with Revell of Germany RVL-05015 and following Frank Dargies great build. Also going to follow Glenn Cauley's and Siara's

great build threads and websites. Also this great website.

Have following for this VIIC U-564 build

1st  CMK72001 to CMK72009
2nd  Yankee Modelworks Upper pressure hulls.
3rd  Yankee YKM-7202 Brass upgrade kit (deck, conning tower, more)
4th  1 Eduard 53008 1/72 Ship- U-Boat VIIC photoetched upgrades
5th  Nautilus Models (Wood Decks) 72-501 1/72 Type VII U-Boat Wood Replacement Deck for 5015
6th  White Ensign Models have at least 1 of each of the following
     • WEM-7213 1/72 3.7cm Flak SKC30U Gun on LC39 Mount for Type VII U-Boat
     • WEM-7215 1/72 2cm Flak Zwiling Gun for RVL U-Boat
     • WEM-7203 1/72 Type VIIc U-Boat Detail Set for RVL
     • WEM-7203 1/72 Type VII U-Boat Flood, Drain, & Vent holes
     • WEM-7211 1/72 Type VII U-Boat Torpedo Loading Detail Set
7th  Lots of figure sets - CMK, Warrior, Andrea, Revell
8th  Books
     U-Boat War Patrol
     Anatomy Ship Type VII U-Boat
     Osprey Kriegsmarine U-Boats 1 and 2
     U-Boats by Miller
     Kriegsmarine Type VII U_Boats #27 Classic Warships
     U-Boats under the Swastika by Showell
     Type VII U-Boats by Stern
     Type VII U-Boats by Chesneau Shipcraft
     U-Boat crews 1914-45 Osprey
     U-Boat Operations Vol 1 and vol 2 Wynn
     Have a few other U-Boat books also.

9th  This Great website and several others

Thanks in advance for any help.

Later Tim
« Last Edit: 04 Apr , 2014, 19:16 by 42rocker »

Offline Rokket

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Interesting project! See our AMP library for The WolfPack on the VIIC (has a lot of date categories for different mods), and Dougie's new doc on the Type IX. That will help some. Keep us posted.
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Offline 42rocker

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Thanks for that info. I downloaded those files a few days ago and I'm starting to review them at this time.

A pic was shared by SC under the IX topic. I'm trying to do a mirror image of that pic with a few (ok, lot of) changes and additions.
Also under the IX topic a link to a U-Tube video was added by billp51d showing part of this transfer, great link.

Later Tim
« Last Edit: 03 Apr , 2014, 07:10 by 42rocker »

Offline 42rocker

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Was reviewing the Wolf pack artices and found the following
"""The tower on the early VIIC Revell kit is the standard early tower that was present on all early VIICs. This tower was known as Turm 0. The T Turm 0 towers began to be modified to Bridge Conversion II (known as Turm II) in December 1942."""
As I going for the date of 8/5/1942 it looks like the tower is correct for what I'm building. RaRa. According to the pics in the U-Boat War Patrol book the net cutter is gone. Well have to put that on another U-Boat build someday.

I'm still reading and trying to figure things out with the vent holes everywhere.

Later Tim

Offline Rokket

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Yes, like we all did 42R! Some foks pic builds based on the "goodies" on a boat and find a boat that fits. Others chose a boat and then try t find out what she really was rigged with!
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Offline 42rocker

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Well I spend a little time this weekend reviewing and did compare a lot of things that should be done on the U-564 with the Wolfpack listings. Need to finish up on that and try to post my findings for you folks to review and tell me where I'm wrong or if possible correct.
Did spend a little time last week working a Gato with my son. We work on it off and on when he drives down from the North Ga area. A little father son thing working on it. It's going to be a simple no upgrades build. Going to try to build a Gato with up grades someday.

Later Tim

Offline 42rocker

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Due to several things I took a long break on this one. Well trying to get back into working on this again. So still looking for help.

Later Tim

Offline 42rocker

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Well during the break a few things happened. Revell released a U-505 kit, type IXC. So will not have to do a mirror image. Just have to buy a lot more CMK if I want to show the insides, which I do of course.

Trying to find as many pictures as possible on this meeting. Best group of pics so far are from L. Paterson's "U-Boat War Patrol", Hidden Photographic Diary of U 564. Terry Suhren's Type VIIC on August 5th 1942 meeting with Kolle's Type IXC.

On the U-564 part planning to show a few extra things also, above the water line that is. Adding a torp being loaded into the rear of the boat along with the pictured trop being loaded into the front hatch. Also  torp with lots of life jackets on it in the water between the subs and a torp being lower into the water from the U-154.

Pics and more, Later

Later Tim