2001 A Space Odeyyssey


Even if you're not a space nut (real of SF), this is a great site, the fellow has built the EVA Pod from 2001 ASO, and his final effect make sit look like a real miniature.

I'm partly posting because he uses decal and lighting overlays from my mate at Paragrafix - who makes very nice stuff. And partly because it's just cool.


It's in Japanese but the pix are pretty self explanatory, and there is always Google for a translate.

Awesome model, the effects are real cool. How does it work ? Are these decals phospho. ?

Is that guy working for cinema FX ?

Great link, thanks.

Hi Pepper.
the overlays are like transparencies, and backlit (LED). Very impressive effect, it looks like shots from the movie. Not a lot of need/opportunity to use in ships, but keep in ind for future projects!

He's just a modeller, no CineFX.

Thanks Rokket ! nice stuff.


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