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Subs on Stamps

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Thanks T. Bought it 2nd hand at a shopfitters. They had heaps of old cases. Wanted one with glass ends, but the glass-ended ones weren't long enough! Had mirrors made for the back doors, just two big pieces of mirror. It was expensive, I probably could have done better with patience, but .... $650. My wife painted it blue inside, and did a streaked stainless effect outside, and I added some aluminum tread plate at the front as a kick plate, used big hex bolts.

I figured a desktop case would be $350+ anyway...

NZ - big printers are handy! You really will need one for all your drawings!

Well done indeed!  I will have to start looking in the second hand stores around here.  Summer for us is coming up, lots of yard sales, flea markets and swap meets....I'll have to see what I find.  This is assuming she approves of the finished product and it inhabits the Living room.


Yes, it was originally going in my office, but the case would have to be sort of enclosing an existing shelf, and she was kind enough to allow it in the dining rm...the negotiation will be the biggest part! I like a nice normal house, but I don't think I'd really mind if there were display cases everywhere, each with a huge model!

Subs on Stamps -- Well my store sells stamps. I guess that I'm going to have to start looking for some sub on stamps.
I'm sure that I have the two stamps that are list in this thread. Going to have to look for some more.

Later Tim

An old thread. But the Subs on Stamps link still works. I own a coin and stamp store and I'm still in awe at the amount of stamps and covers that are shown on that website. Myself, just got a nice copy of German Fp-13a (their listing). It's the one listed under Erich Tropp.
The US did release a nice Submarine Stamp booklet a few years ago.
Just another way to enjoy our Submarine hobby. 
Later Tim 


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