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ALL other U-boats / Re: Robbe`s type XXI, 1/40, U-2511.
« Last post by dougie47 on 19 Dec , 2022, 12:11 »
Hello Ron,
I am really sorry to hear of the loss of your mother, please accept my condolences. I hope things are going okay with your father.

Updates on your diorama would be welcome, I like the street lamp which is illuminated. A nice touch. I should point out that the AMP forum will be closed at the end of this month, with the next week or two so that folks can save information from various posts before the forum goes down.

ALL other U-boats / Re: Robbe`s type XXI, 1/40, U-2511.
« Last post by Bad Karma on 18 Dec , 2022, 09:03 »
I am sorry for this absence on AMP. The health issues in my family were from bad to worse.
My mother lost the batlle with cancer on last 21 Januari. She died in the Hospital.
I am now sort of caregiver for my dad. And i am his only child. Since my last post on 11 August 2021.
I was in the Hospital more, than i was at home.

I have some updates regarding the boats(s) and dio. I will post them soon.

Here is a little teaser.
The street lantarn is just a dry fit.


« Last post by SG on 17 Dec , 2022, 10:23 »
Wink, this is a sad new.
This forum is something unique and contributed to promote the knowledge of Uboat and submarine culture in general for years. it will be greatly missed. Good things don't last. All my gratitude to you and Dougie for creating it, it was a most brilliant idea of yours and thank you for keeping it open for so many years.

To all the members of the forum, the outstanding modellers, the generous, ironic, top notch experts and researchers, the legendary veterans (Tore, am thinking of you), it's been a pleasure to interact with you and share your experiences and knowledge. Thank you! It enriched my life.

For those of you wanting to get in touch with me, i redirect you to my blog, where you'll find a suitable email address in the "about" section of the site:   

Feel free to contact me for Uboat or modelling related questions, or just to share research/modelling anytime.

Long live the AMP forum members!


« Last post by Rokket on 17 Dec , 2022, 04:16 »
We are completely closing down, including the forum. COVID and UK/EU VAT have forced our hand. We thought we could continue in a limited capacity, but we cannot.

Much of our research materials will remain available through (link to follow). Thank you for your support and we wish you the best for the future.

TYPE IX / Re: Fa330 gyro kite (Uboat IXD/IXD2)
« Last post by SG on 02 Dec , 2022, 11:29 »
Wow! can I fly it? ;D  Super realistic. Such a magnificent work Glenn, congrats!
TYPE IX / Re: Fa330 gyro kite (Uboat IXD/IXD2)
« Last post by dougie47 on 30 Nov , 2022, 13:23 »
Hi Glenn,
Those additions really improve your model, especially the seatbelt and the rudder bar straps. Looking like the real thing. Maybe you can display at an IPMS Ottawa show?
Hello Mr. Tore,

Do you remember or have any photos that show the device for measuring the fuel oil drained from the internal fuel oil tanks and the buckets were carried to the diesel room to measure the fuel remaining in the internal fuel oil tanks? Then the contents of the measuring device was drained into the fuel oil collection bunker/tank.

This device seems to be missing in U995.

TYPE IX / Re: Fa330 gyro kite (Uboat IXD/IXD2)
« Last post by GlennCauley on 27 Nov , 2022, 15:09 »
Finished the final (?) component of this build; fabricating the seatbelt harness. 
The closest offering was an Airscale 1:24 set (not 1:16) but they have detailed installation diagrams. (Only 1 error.)
Since no-one offers a 1:16 set, I asked a friend to 3D design and print the buckle parts.  I used regular masking tape (doubled up) for the belts.
The adjusters and lap belt latching system actually work!   I am very happy with the end result.
I just got am email today...

"Yes, thank you, I've logged him back in and given him an updated link.
-Tore's Grandson Magnus."

If its the same video it has been linked on here by me before.
I cant seem to link it again but a simple Google search of U995 Kaura Norwegian Navy will find a number of links to the color version.
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