Author Topic: Can you please list acrylic model paint which matches Type VII colors  (Read 969 times)

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Offline oyoy1

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Tamiya, Pollyscale or Vallejo come to mind.

Offline dougie47

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The following page is quite helpful -

Assuming the FS codes are correct on that page, then I would recommend the following  -

Most common upper colour Dunkelgrau 51, FS35237, Polly Scale PCA817
Alternative upper colour Hellgrau 50, FS36440, Polly Scale PCA825
Lower hull colour Schiffsbodenfarbe III Grau I, FS36081, Polly Scale P:500014

For the wooden deck you could just take a black and a dark brown and match whatever you want depending on the length of time since it was stained. If you want one just out of dry-dock black or almost black would work. If you look at page 42 in the Wolf Pack downloadable file there are details about the wooden deck.

