Author Topic: Moebius Skipjack  (Read 3940 times)

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Offline Mike K

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Moebius Skipjack
« on: 03 May , 2013, 16:35 »
THIS is a really nice model. Everything is there. And as close to perfect as you could ask. You're really going to have to "dig deep" to find any detailing, to add.
(If you want R/C, Mike Caswell sells a kit with everything you need in it. Except the Transmitter, receiver and batteries.)
Everything, from box art to instructions, are everything you could ask for, maybe more. On the back of the instructions, is an 11 X 16 drawing, suitable for framing and display.
With no additional detailing necessary and less than 100 parts, it should be a quick build. There was a time when I'd have finished it over a week end. But now I'd kind of like tio savor it.
 She's really pretty!!
This is the kind of model that'll hook some teenager, for the rest of his life. He'll be looking for a model, of similar quality, for the rest of his life. I doubt he'll ever find it, but he'll be looking.
If you're looking for a great sub model kit, this is it. This model has the kind of workmanship we've all dreamed about..
And, just to put a 3" coating of seafoam icing on this cake, you get decals of the names and hull numbers for all six boats of the class.
Moebius names Christley, Sharp and Merriman as co-conspiritors, which explains the high quality and accuracy of this model.
In closing, I must say, this is, in my opinion, the finest kit ever produced, by ANYONE. If it goes together as well as it's designed (a couple of test fittings indicate that it is) it truly is the untimate kit.
Now, if Moebius does a 637, in this scale, my life will be complete!
Mike K.
PS if happiness is a well designed model kit, this thing is bliss!
Diesel Boats Forever

Offline Mike K

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Re: Moebius Skipjack
« Reply #1 on: 17 May , 2013, 14:13 »
This is as nice a model as I expected. Sharp, crisp, clean and accurate detail makes it an above average model kit.
A straight forward and simple build, anyone else would have finished it in a weekend. But the "Old Procrastinator" is still poking at it.
Up until a few minutes age I was hung up on the difference between the draft marks fore and aft. Then I remembered, these boat sat with a slight up angle. So, she sat deeper aft. Maybe I'll finish it, now.
Mike K.
Diesel Boats Forever

Offline Rokket

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Re: Moebius Skipjack
« Reply #2 on: 23 May , 2013, 01:23 »
Hi Mike,

I've got to change the icon, I didn't see that there was anything on this board!

Excellent to have a first hand review. She sure looks nice in Finescale Modeler. Grrr, she's too big and I'm outta room and resources and time!!! Post some pix of your progress!
AMP - Accurate Model Parts -