USS Barb's Rocket Storage Doghouse

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I just finished reading Gene Fluckey's "Thunder Below" about his patrols on USS Barb.  Fascinating reading and highly recommended.  Reference is made to the Mk51 rocket launcher being stored in the "doghouse" when not in use.  Does anyone know what the term "doghouse" refers to?


nope...i am gathering news about it... even in our italian forum...but..there are no photos.
btw i'll build/paint my gato in black overall... pre 1945 refit.

Mike K:
As I remember the "Dog House" was the area inside the fairwater. But, at my age, my RAM has become pretty random.

Mike K.

Hi Bob,

all I can find is temporary structures called doghouses: either a plywood box for topside watch standers in the cold (while docked), or one over the crew galley hatch I think to shelter visiors on museum boat Cobia (they cut it off for a drydock repair).

Fluckey's book is excellent, I was so struck that he was a "Capt Awesome" as in the TV show "Chuck" (the amazing bro-in-law to the nerd, the guy is 6'6", a doctor, handsome, a man's man but sensitive for the a word, awesome!). Fluckey seemed to have no fear and endless enthusiasm, never "it's going to be impossible/tough" but rather "challenges" to be met. The difficult stuff was pretty easy for him. No wonder why he earned the Medal of Honor!

I'll keep looking for more details, but Mike probably has it on the nose, some kind of stowage in the fairwater.

I THINK Dick O'Kane made reference to something similar in Clear the Bridge - they left some men topside who wouldn't have time to get below in an emergency, and said they'd have to cram into the XXXXXX, and suffer the scariness of being isnide essentially a 55gal drum in the dark and cold for awhile... I'm gong to have a look thru CTB.

found this in CTB, p140, bottom:
"...two more lookouts went forward to the 20m gun platform. In the event of a dive, the would clear into the gun access trunk, whose lower hatch was already closed. I didn't like it and they didn't like it, but that's the way things are sometimes."

Not the same, but at least my memory works a little...


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