General Modeling > PAINT

Good afordable airbrush sugestions.

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What is a good airbrush that is affordably priced?
Should i consider buying used equipment?

I bought an old single action Paasche. I was lucky, it was hardly used (I think the former owner was a little old lady who only used it every other Sunday for one color...). IT's still working fine and looks brand new. But I was lucky.

Last year Ii bought a Chinese knockoff because it was a cool design and cheap. I have never used it. I will, and indicators and reviews are good it's a mini pistol style and I can't think of the brand).

I'd buy a new Paasche or Badger. I like single-action, but here are a pro's thoughts:

I'd also get a full sized garage/shop air compressor. You'll have to mate the big fitting to the tiny airbrush hose fitting, but you'll pay about US $100 to 150 for a big 2.5 hp 5 gallon (21 liter) tank, or the same or MORE for a small hobby compressor. I'd go the big because then you can use it for so much more. you wnat a misture rap and a regulator valve.

Good luck!

Thank You for the help.

I was using my porter cable oiless nailing compressor and the noise was just unbearable inside, even if i only had to turn it on once.
 I ended up going with this Kit from TCPGlobal
it was $119 and they shipped it over night without added cost.
It is Very quiet.

The airbrush came with 3 needles a .2, .3 and .5 also included was a quick disconnect.
The airbrush quality itself is "so so" average.
I did notice that the airflow does not change as much as it should with a dual action brush in other words it seems to be full on or full off.
 Possibly i need to adjust it something.

looks good! the KEY to all this? airbrush-airbrush-airbrush! (practice-practice-practice)


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