Author Topic: Finished Photos of Evel Knievel's 1/18 Scale X-2 Skycycle Rocket  (Read 14285 times)

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Offline phillip1

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Fellow Modelers,
[/size]Below are photos of my 1/18 scale X-2 Skycycle Rocket flown by stunt performer Evel Knievel when he attempted to jump Snake River Canyon (Twin Falls, Idaho) on September 8, 1974.  The basic assembly is a 3D Printing I purchased from the Evel Knievel Museum in Topeka, Kansas last year.  Completing this project required a large amount of sanding, scratch-building and creating custom water-slide decals.  The total project time was about 136 hours.  The overall length is 15

Offline SG

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unfortunately the pictures don't show, can you try to repost them? Am eager and curious to see the X-2 Skycycle rocket.



Offline phillip1

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I am not sure why the photos (and part of my text) did not upload.  I will try again.



Offline SG

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for the text you can try to highlight the whole text and resize it to font size 10pt. It usually works and the missing text reappears.
For the pictures it's better to rely upon an image sharing service such as photobucket, cubeupload etc and post the pics' direct links or just copy and paste the thumbnails.
Hope this helps,
« Last Edit: 20 Dec , 2021, 13:05 by SG »

Offline phillip1

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Offline phillip1

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Offline phillip1

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Offline phillip1

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Offline SG

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What a beauty! an amazing and flawless build. Very realistic, unusual and colorful: i love it, top marks. I am curious about the cockpit but i guess reaching it with the camera must be quite a task. Congrats also for the other builds that i see in the background, the german naval airship is superb, it deserves a dedicated post.


« Last Edit: 22 Dec , 2021, 11:18 by SG »

Offline phillip1

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SG-Thanks for the very generous compliments!  Below are a few in progress shots of the cockpit.  I did not add a lot because the real thing did not have much.  There was no instrument panel or joystick because they were not required.  The was only a few structural members, some piping and a couple of crude hand controls.  Honestly there was not room for anything else.

Thanks for the comments on my L11 Zeppelin.  I will post photos of it on another thread.
