Author Topic: Piping Color Code application  (Read 1076 times)

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Offline Katuna

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Piping Color Code application
« on: 15 Jul , 2020, 08:15 »
Ok, so now that we have a color rendition of the piping color coding, the next question is, exactly how were the pipes marked? Was it at a general interval along each pipe, in groupings in specific areas of a compartment or just in areas where it was just visually convenient? I'm especially curious about the areas under the deck plating where you would think you would want quite a bit of identification when you're crawling around in relative darkness while being depth charged.
Modeling U-371 on 16.10.43 at 1800 off of the Algerian coast in CJ7722.

Offline Katuna

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Re: Piping Color Code application
« Reply #1 on: 15 Jul , 2020, 11:33 »

I posted Tore's reply (hope you don't mind) from his thread just in case anyone was interested and may have missed it there...

"We previously discussed the colour markings of the pipings as used originally. Unfortunately the frequent painting of the engineroom was carried out ad lib and eventually all the orginal paintings disappeard. As previously told we didn`t use this system, but I have an image of the engines of KNM Kaura ex. U 995 in my time showing the marking of the fuel pipes as fitted up front of the main engines. An interesting detail is the valve rocker rods, today painted blue, are on this image still not painted and hence shiny steel.
  Kaura main engines 3. colour marks jpg.jpg (767.69 kB, 800x600 - viewed 1 times.)
Modeling U-371 on 16.10.43 at 1800 off of the Algerian coast in CJ7722.

Offline Katuna

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Re: Piping Color Code application
« Reply #2 on: 15 Jul , 2020, 11:38 »
I just realized that Simon's drawings now make sense! I'm a little slow sometimes.
Modeling U-371 on 16.10.43 at 1800 off of the Algerian coast in CJ7722.