Author Topic: SAVE the SILVERSIDES  (Read 2095 times)

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Offline Rokket

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« on: 25 Sep , 2010, 19:29 »
The USS SILVERSIDES, a highly successful and decorated Gato, a piece of history, is in danger. She needs to be dry docked for hull maintenance.

It's been 55 years since her last one, and now is the time to save her, before it's too late.

She is lovingly maintained (physically, and in history and education) by the staff at the Great Lakes Naval Memorial and Museum - She rests in fresh water off Lake Michigan, so with proper continued maintenance, she could last a long time. But only if she is dry docked soon. Otherwise she will end up like LIONFISH - sadly becoming a collection of flaky rust with not much real metal left.

It's always difficult to find money for a good cause, especially when we all have so many other obligations and yes, recreation needs (model and beer money?!). It's extra-extra hard during a difficult economic time. But there are only a few WWII vessels left that we can't let even one go. And without help, SILVERSIDES definitely will go.

Anything you can give would help her out. The rough target (somewhat under actual cost if too much more time passes) is US $500,000. Checks can be made out to "Great Lakes Naval Memorial and Museum" and memo can serve as donation cause ("Save Silversides"). PayPal options may be in the future. The GLNMM has info (links below). AMP have given to the museum, and will continue to privately add little bits here and there (you can donate whenever you have a spare $5 or $ beer or save a boat!).

If you can't afford to give money now, maybe later. Even just spreading the word would help.

Thanks for considering.

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AMP - Accurate Model Parts -